Sales: tel:+1.808.800.6162
email: salesteam.HSF@gmail.com
Bespoke Design: +1.808.738.2955
email: bespokedesign.HSF@gmail.com
Accounting & Logistics-tel:+1.808.800.6162
email: acctgal.HSF@gmail.com
Since 2005, HSF has worked very closely with Designers, General Contractors, Developers & Home Owners.
We specialize in tiling contracts, bespoke works and countertops.
We have a team of in-house designers and estimators who are extremely responsive.
We are licensed and have all appropriate insurances and equipment to fulfil the obligation of projects of different scopes and sizes.
HSF takes Health and Safety seriously and it is our intention to take care of our employees, customers, visitors and all parties involved by taking steps to meet its responsibilities including:
Maintaining safe and healthy working conditions and systems of working.
Providing adequate control of the risks to the health and safety arising from the activities of the company.
Providing and maintaining plant and equipment used at the required safety levels.
Ensuring safe handling, storage and transport of materials and substances.
Providing information, instruction and supervision for employees with constant consultation with our employees on matters affecting Health and Safety.
Ensuring all employees are competent to do their tasks with the support of adequate training.
Monitoring safety performance for the maintenance of agreed standards.
Reviewing and revising of policy and procedure as necessary at regular intervals.
Risk assessments are regularly carried out, reviewed annually and are documented.